Watch Our Exclusive Connection Point education Video ministry

The Late Wint Brown

A dear brother that shared his humor with everyone. He was always seen doing the little things that blessed our class such as
handing out papers before class. He was driven by The LORD to Pray for people. Most of the praying was done behind closed doors,
but occasionally when he was asked to pray in class, The LORD used Wint in Mighty Ways and you know Heaven and earth were moved!!

He was also a driving force in our  South Dakota Ministry.
Wint Shared a look at their South Dakota Ministry:

Tim Martineau

Our Class "Does Everything Tech" From hooking up all devices, to details such as music and any other needs, and so much more we would be filling a book to mention all that Tim does!

God uses people

Thanks everyone who blesses our class in one way or another, both now and in the past. We also thank those that we have failed to put on this list, we would like to add you to this list too! Most of all give God the glory for these people:

Dan Hurst, Marcia Hurst, Don Martineau, Randy Shepard, Ben Ortiz, Lewis Hurtt, Greg Trusler, Sharon O'Conner, Mary Sinclair, Brian Frazer, Dan Gonzalez, George Graham, Kerri Hilton, Doug Knoles, Mike Orem, Shelley and Darrell Patterson,  Alexander Clutter, Jason West,​ Sheila Brown,Cherie Peterson, Jon & Connie Knapp, Charlene Jones, Martha Drake,​ Linda Beckwith,​ Donna Walker,​​ John and Kristie Davis,​ Lorna Frojd,​ RC Jones,​ Chaz and Jane Lillie,​ Sue Martineau,​ Marilyn Morris,​ Nita Waid,​ Sarah Neuwirth,​ Don Jordan

We are still building this list. Please see Brian the video guy with suggestions to add to this list. Thanks!

We also honor the spouses and families of the names mentioned above, as you allowed The LORD to shape their lives so they could be usable!

Finally Thanks to all people in our class. Just your prayers and even complaints shape our teacher into what he is today!